Topiqs is all about many links and organizing related links into collection. Here are some examples of actual link collections.
A family is on the outlook for buying a car and have collected url's on cars they are interested in.
Use PageSlide to fast scroll through all the cars.
It's the kids birthday and we have decided to give them a Playstation 4 even we know very little about it.
So we compare the Playstation 4 editions, what games we should buy and not least what equipment addons like virtual reality we can buy.
As the man of the house I think we should have a barbell and do some lifting.
So I collected a little knowledge and some links for buying a barbell, weight plates and other related equipment.
List of most healthy foods and their benefits.
Rather than links, this is a collection of pictures of my kids.
This works somewhat similar to Instagram, however in Topiqs related pictures can be organized in their own collections.
A friend and I are working together on a collecting of ideas for books we should read.
Links to actual research on health effects of exercising with partial summary for each link as well as a full summary list of health effects.
Using a Topiqs to write a small tutorial, here about how to build a CKEditor 5 with image upload.
The above examples only touch the surface, I hope to see users expand the topics beyond imagination.